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Career In Data Science
By LUCIA ADAMS 2,213 views

Hadoop Certifications And Career In Data Science

Hadoop Certifications and career in data science are related. In fact, Data Science is one of the roles under the broad term Hadoop. While Hadoop is one of the essential qualifications for data analyst, as a Data Scientist also the application Hadoop would work in your favor and not against it. But before we go further into how Hadoop certifications can help you in your career in data science, let’s understand what is Hadoop and why it is such an important thing in big data?

What Is Hadoop?

Hadoop is one of the top notch projects of Apache and is an open source, java-based program framework that is quite widely used for the large-scale storage and processing of Big Data in the disseminated technical world where data rules the roost. Hadoop is one of the big data tools that comes handy in storing and processing the big data. Hadoop also comes handy in managing the large datasets that are scattered along with programming languages.

Now that you know what is Hadoop, let’s understand how this would help in your data science career.

Certification In Data Analytics And Career In Data Science

While Hadoop is a preferred platform for data analysts, it is not mandatory for you to be proficient in Hadoop if you are planning to have a career in data science. But then of course if you are following the route of data analyst and then becoming a data scientist then probably it would help to know Apache Hadoop because, as a data analyst, it is important for you to know the framework of Apache Hadoop platform.

Since as a data scientist you are playing with loads of confidential data that needs cleaning, data munging, and then presenting it in a format that is readable by everyone, recruiters prefer to promote their data analyst to the role of data scientists. As mentioned it is a role that requires loads of confidentiality along with lots of mental alertness, data analysts are being groomed to take on the roles of data scientist in their organization.

However, before you reach to the level wherein you are being promoted to the role of data scientist, it is imperative that you showcase your skills and qualifications as a data analyst. This is where certifications in data analyst come handy for the individuals who are interested in entering the field of big data.

Some of the skills you would need to acquire if you are planning to become a data analyst in the big data industry.

  1. You should be proficient in scripting language like MATLAB and Python
  2. Computer software skills and tools

Apart from the skill to analyze, clean, screen and present the data in a format where you can not only find solutions but also find problem areas (that’s what data scientist do). If you are playing with the data day in and day out, then you should be able to know where to find the problem areas and how to find solutions for those problems so that there is much needed benefit to an organization.

And certification in data analyst would help in you honing your skills in not only screening but also cleaning the data so that you are able to read and infer viable solutions for your organization. Solutions that would ensure that your company has data-backed solutions to reach its goals and to give competitors a good competition.

You may like to check out certifications from Hortonworks, Cloudera, SAS, IBM Big Data certifications, Dell EMC, and DASCA for data science career.

Lucia Adams

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