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What Should We Demand From a Great Home Care Agency?

Knowing what to expect from a good home care agency can give families of loved ones peace of mind that the people that matter are being looked after and supported in the right ways. Providing care for anybody is not just about the bare basics; it is about ensuring that the people who have been hired to do a job are doing so much more. What should you expect from a good home care agency?

Independence at Home

Arguably the most important benefit of an excellent home care agency is the independence and empowerment it provides for the person receiving the care. As part of any Home Care Package, the individual receiving the support can expect personalised care and assistance with day-to-day tasks and person-centred support to ensure they can maintain the quality of life while they get older in an environment they are familiar with.

The whole point of Home Care is to ensure the person receiving the support is as independent as possible. While sometimes people may believe that receiving care at home can take away their independence, the whole point is for them to feel empowered and age in a place that prevents the necessity for relocating to a nursing home. When we feel independent, we feel empowered.

Comprehensive Care

A great home care agency understands the particulars of what care consists of for the person receiving care. They are receiving care and support, but it should be on their terms and with everything agreed upon to preserve independence and dignity.

A home care agency can provide comprehensive care relating to specific needs, whether this is domestic assistance, personal care, clinical care, respite care, preparing meals, or caring in relation to a variety of complex needs.

The level of care will depend on the person, and it’s not assumed that because someone needs a certain level of care now, this is always how it will be because people’s needs change over time. Comprehensive care can be provided, but this doesn’t necessarily need to be to the point where it stops the individual from taking control over their life.


As humans, we are all entitled to choice. The person receiving the care or the loved one helping can work to develop the appropriate support plan with control over the services and the schedule to deliver support that is perfectly positioned.

Providing care at home is not about removing every independent duty of that person receiving care; it’s about supporting independence and ensuring the person always feels they have the ability to choose and control the plan.

Improved Health and Well-being

Health and well-being are two sides to the same coin that are so essential to our liberties in life. We all have a right to feel supported and have a sense of self, which is why Home Care can provide access to the right level of care depending on the individual’s needs.

As part of a home care package, there is access to allied health professionals like occupational therapists, exercise physiologists, physiotherapists, and more, as well as health and nursing care that can increase independence as well as exercise and social outings which provide people with the opportunities to stay active and engage in the things that are so important to health and well-being.

There are so many different elements of health and well-being that it depends on the person as to what they require to improve their sense of self. It could also involve home safety modifications and repairs or personal care. Whatever the needs, a great home care agency will ensure that the big and little things are in place to enhance someone’s overall health and well-being.


Living alone can mean a decline in the quality of life for older people. A great home care agency will empathize with older people who may not have family members close by or feel isolated because of their condition. Companionship is so important for connection and well-being.

A professional caregiver who does more than just the bare basics but engages with the person to ensure they are having their needs met with something as simple as communication can do a lot to ensure that the person receiving the care is getting what they deserve they plan, but it’s also important to remember that this could be the only exchange that person has today or this week.

We all experienced isolation of some sort during the pandemic and we’ve now realised just how important socialising is. Those living at home will need support and socialising which can also mean a companion that understands what their needs are but also someone that acts as an advocate for them. Companionship is something that is a basic human right if we require it. A great home care agency understands that companionship could be as simple as gossip, talking about the news or anything that gives that person a greater sense of cultural connection, especially if they are feeling homebound and they’re not able to get out as much as they would like.

Peace of Mind

The right home care agency will ensure that the person receiving the care and the loved ones or family have peace of mind. Loved ones can work with the caregiver on a Home Care plan and arrange the appropriate levels of updates.

We all deserve peace of mind, especially if we are now in a position where we need to hand over support to a home care agency. An excellent caregiver will notice the little things and ensure any concerns are addressed.


A great home care agency will also ensure that the person receiving the care is safe. Safety is not just about the physical side of things but about emotional support. Psychological safety is just as critical especially as we get older and we want to feel that we can exercise our rights as people.

An excellent home care agency will strive to make sure the person receiving the care feels physically, mentally, and emotionally safe which could consist of physical support like bedrails or home modifications, or working with the person receiving the care to establish common ground, for example, through shared interests or the same cultural background.

We should all expect the very best from a home care agency. Caring is not just about day-to-day duties, but it encompasses so much more.

Home Caring

Home Caring is the most reputed home care service provider in Australia since 2015. Our expert team works with the aim to provide high quality, person-centred home care services to seniors and people with disability.