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Category: Office Stories

Renting an Office Space

Choosing the correct office space might be demanding, but it is crucial for the success of your company. Although some companies would sooner own their space, renting an office usually offers more ben...

holiday pay

According to Deloitte, experts forecast global spending on outsourcing to climb to $971 billion by 2023. As technology improves, distances across countries shrink. It isn't a surprise why outsourcing...

job alerts

Finding a job that fits your skills has become more challenging due to the availability of many people with the same abilities. Many employers have also stopped having physical interviews for all the ...

Removable Wallpaper

It is becoming increasingly important to have a workspace that serves its functional purpose and provides a stress-free, relaxed, and calming environment in today's world, where the work environment i...

maximize desk space

Desks are often cluttered with all sorts of things - from coffee cups to sticky notes and stacks of papers. These tips will help you find a better system to maximize your desk space. Clear off your...

skip bins

The easiest way to reduce office waste is to get a skip bin. Skip bins are the ideal solution for businesses that generate a lot of waste on a daily basis. Skip bins are not only convenient for busin...

coworking spaces

The trend toward coworking spaces has been rising for several years now. According to projections, more than half of all employees will be freelancers or self-employed in the next five years, so cowor...

office renovation

An office is a place where one spends half of their day. The smart office design leads to the growth of employees. So, there is no harm in investing in office renovation or turning ideas into reality....

employee recognition awards

Awards and trophies are a great way to show appreciation for your employees. They can be used as gifts at holiday times or given instead of traditional bonuses. Choosing awards for recognition may see...