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Dishwasher vs. Sink
By JOE MAILLET 2,497 views

Dishwasher vs. Sink

If you have a large family and many dishes to clean after meals the use of a dishwasher is viewed as a time-saving necessity. However, one of the primary objections to it’s use is based on the belief that dishwashers use more water than hand washing dishes in sinks.

Recent research findings do not confirm that belief. In fact, our sink engineering team has made some startling discoveries regarding actual water usage between dishwashers and sinks. Here are the facts.

Differences between Dishwater and Sink

Water Consumption

According to research, a dishwasher uses four gallons of water while a sink would use around 27 gallons of water to wash the same load of dishes. It indicates that dishwater is a water saver than a tub. If you are conscious about the amount of water you want to use, either option can apply.

Energy Savings

The same study indicates that recent dishwasher models use 1.5kWh of energy while washing dishes in the sink with hands consumed 2.5kWh to clean the same amount of dishes. The power includes that used in running the water heater. Again, the dishwasher wins in saving energy.

Time Saving

If you have a large number of dishes to wash or a big family, it will take time to clean while using your sink. Dishwashers get designed to clean any quantity of utensils very fast. Also, washing your dishes with hands in your sink will require you to be present. It is different from a dishwasher. You only need to put the dishes inside and go your way. As the dishwasher cleans your dishes, you could be busy doing something else.

Dishwasher vs. Sink Control

Unlike the dishwasher, you can control the amount of water you want to use. Dishwashers require a specific amount of water to clean dishes. With the sink, you can decide to ration your water.


Dishwashers are appliances made by man and contain no eyes. They cannot see the stubborn dirty parts to give them more emphasis while washing. Depending on the quality, others do a shoddy job. But when washing your dishes with hands in your sink, you get to see what you are cleaning and where more effort is required. When you rinse and dry your washed dishes, you are sure it’s clean. With it, you may need to repeat washing some dishes.

When comparing the dishwasher vs. sink, you also have to look at their disadvantages to help you choose. The following are cons related to each;

Cons of Dishwasher

 Develop Bad Habits

Knowing that a dishwasher is a machine, you might not get convinced that it has done an efficient job. In the process, you might find yourself developing some negative habits like rinsing or washing the dishes twice. You can also decide to pre-rinse your utensils.

Harmful Detergents

The market is full of various types of detergents designed to use in a dishwasher. Unfortunately, some of them include phosphate, which is detrimental to our environment. If you opt to use a dishwasher, avoid detergents with phosphate.

Reducing Efficiency

If you run your dishwasher when not full, it will diminish its efficiency. As time passes, it becomes less and less effective until it is a no longer useful machine in your kitchen.

Cons of Sink

Water Wastage

Unless you become very conscious of the amount of water you use in your sink, you’ll waste a lot of water. It’s not easy to ration your sink water unless you reduce the amount flowing into the pipes from the primary source.

Use More Energy

If you run a lot of hot water in your sink, then the energy used is also a lot. You also use much of your physical strength to stand and wash the dishes in a tub.

Now that you have the insight into both of them, dishwasher vs. sink, which one is your take? Let’s do the analysis;

What is Better?  Dishwasher or Sink?

If you are not great at saving water, a dishwasher would be best for you. You’ll also save a lot of energy and avoid getting tired from standing and washing the dishes using your hands. If running a big family, commercial joint, or has a lot of dishes to wash, a dishwasher will be the way to go. But using a dishwasher to clean a few utensils will be a waste of both water and energy. Also, when you use a dishwasher while not full, you will affect its efficiency level. The sink option will work out great for cleaning a small number of dishes.

A sink option will be great if you want to save water. You will only need to determine the amount of water you want to use. But with a dishwasher, there is a specific amount of water to use. If you are environment conscious and can’t find the phosphate-free detergents to use in it, using the sink will be a great option.

The argument between the dishwasher vs. sink may not end soon, but whichever option you choose depends on various factors like the number of dishes to wash, energy, water, and the availability of the person to wash the dishes. It also matters whether you have a dishwasher or a sink. If not, do you have the money to buy a dishwasher or install a sink?


As illustrated above, it’s not easy to choose between a dishwasher vs. sink because both have their benefits. Each is useful in certain situations and for specific purposes. But if you want to save water and energy, and wash a massive load of dishes quickly, using a dishwasher would be the best choice. As described above, it is not economical to clean a few utensils utilizing a dishwasher. Based on your needs and budget, dishwasher vs. sink, which one do you prefer?

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.