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How To Do Market Research Useful For Your Business
By JOE MAILLET 1,307 views

How can Kishore Pallapothu’s AI-based startup Intelligently Automate your Recruitment Process?

Recruitment tends to be a challenging task for any company as there are a number of factors to consider. You would naturally want quality employees with all the necessary skills. Interviewing all the candidates, analysing their skills and talent, and choosing the right ones can cost your company considerable time, effort, and money. ChoozeHire, an AI-based platform founded by Kishore Pallapothu can make the entire process much easier.

What is ChoozeHire?

As a result of Kishore’s expertise in AI, Cloud Infrastructure, and Machine Learning, Chooze Hire is an innovative startup aimed at automating the recruitment process. Backed by a sophisticated AI system, it greatly reduces the need for a manual interface while recruiting candidates. This is because several of the time-consuming steps in the recruitment process get automated by Chooze Hire.

Functions that this platform can perform

ChoozeHire is capable of delivering a variety of services, including post-recruitment functions. The key ones among them are:

  • Talent acquisition: This platform automates several talent acquisition processes, which are of key importance in the HR department. ChoozeHire can source and screen the candidates, screen them, schedule interviews, and manage the databases. The platform is also capable of performing interactive functions like carrying out preliminary interviews and answering the queries of the job seekers.
  • Onboarding: This AI system can also get new employees oriented to the company. It would provide them with the necessary information, such as job profiles, team members, reporting authority, task assignment, and more. Automating the process saves the company considerable time as the HR department does not have to get every employee-oriented manually.
  • Training: In the field of IT, the necessary skills for a particular job or position are constantly changing. The employees need to stay up-to-date with the latest software and technologies. This AI-integrated platform can help with the training processes, teaching the employees the necessary skills as and when needed. This not only saves the company the trouble of having to organise training programs but also ensures that employees are capable of using the latest systems.

All of these functions are of key importance for a company during the recruitment and post-recruitment processes. A smart AI-based platform delivering these services eliminates a number of problems that may occur if the tasks are done manually.

Benefits that ChoozeHire can offer your company

Before you hire or purchase a service, it is natural to consider the benefits it offers and whether it is worth the cost. ChoozeHire can boost the functioning of your company in several ways:

  • Time-saver: In the fast-paced corporate sector, every minute is valuable. The sophisticated AI that powers this platform can match and recommend candidates in a matter of seconds, which hastens the entire process.
  • Quality recruits: The smart AI system is capable of processing the data and thinking like a professional recruiter. With its careful screening processes, ChoozeHire ensures that a company receives only quality recruits.
  • Security: The platform has been designed with state-of-the-art security systems which are always kept up-to-date. This would protect your data from various online threats.

Evidently, this startup by Kishore Pallapothu is a giant leap in automating manual processes to get tasks completed faster and more efficiently.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.