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Roman Zenon Dawidowicz

What do you understand by Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is gradually changing the world, most especially, the finance world. Very soon, paper money will be a thing of the past and digital currency will completely take over. This was made known by Roman Zenon Dawidowicz, also called Roman Dawidowicz. Roman Zenon Dawidowicz has spent over twelve years marketing oilseeds and grains.

There exist mixed feelings about accepting cryptocurrency. Several economists insist on not using it while numerous businessmen are in support.

“Cryptocurrency has grown exponentially over the years,” explained Roman Dawidowicz. Thousands of coins were introduced ever since the launching of the first coin. “We are still expecting the emergence of new coins in the future”, reiterated Roman Zenon Dawidowicz.


Cryptocurrencies can be defined as the use of coins or tokens as forms of currencies. These currencies are digital money used in place of paper money. Few crypto coins can be used with some bank cards but many are immaterial. Many firms and financial organizations are integrating the use of cryptocurrency.

“Apart from their immateriality, cryptocurrencies are not different from any other form of money” affirmed Roman Dawidowicz. You can use them to make transactions, buy and sell products and services.

Where to get them?

You can buy cryptocurrency from agents or generate them online and save them or perform transactions. Online generation is called mining. Any printed crypto coin is useless if there is no code printed on it.

The initial crypto coin was Bitcoin and it is largely acknowledged by society.

The requirements for purchasing many crypto coins are in dollars. The others accept payment by using other coins to buy them

How does cryptocurrency work?

Roman Dawidowicz explained the workings of cryptocurrency using Bitcoin as an example. He used Bitcoin because it has been setting the pace for other crypto coins.

Bitcoin uses a peer-to-peer network to make non-centralized transactions.

Every coin is saved in an electronic wallet as a computer document. Users can use their phones, computers, or tablets to access the files. Blockchain is then used to transfer part or all the files from one user to another. It is a safe way of making transactions.

The technology used in cryptocurrency is termed cryptography. Blockchain is an example of cryptography. It sends found from one party to another securely. A digital ledger that is visible to everybody, stores any transfer made. One transfer adds a block to the chain, and many more. The addition of blocks makes it difficult to forge fake coins that do not belong to you.

Advantages of Cryptocurrency

The interesting part of cryptocurrency is you can buy with traditional currencies. You can also be paid in crypto coins when you sell your products or services.

Low Transaction Fee: “If you send money from an electronic wallet to another bank, you will be charged a fee,” argued Roman Dawidowicz. The trading fee of cryptocurrency is lower than that of E-Wallets and traditional money. Often, some currencies have no transaction charges.

Ease of Transactions: Transactions are made easier. They can be done at any time, anywhere, and the amount is limitless. No unnecessary form filling or paperwork is needed.

Fast Transactions: The process of trading internationally with traditional currencies is tedious and complex. Transactions take a long time to go through. International trading with cryptocurrency is done rapidly.

Future Predictions

In conclusion, in the next five years, it has been predicted that cryptocurrency will be more popular. It will see a tremendous usage rate among traders, businessmen, financial institutions, and many more.

“The digital currency will have more than 20 percent influence over traditional currencies” predicted Roman Zenon Dawidowicz. Countries will start to accept it as part of their legal tender.

Roman Dawidowicz

Roman Zenon Dawidowicz is an Intermediate Mandarin speaker with Taiwanese qualifications and over 12 years of experience in the grain and oilseeds physical markets in a global origin/destination.

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