Categories: Tech

15 Tips to Level Up Your ReactJS Web Development in 2022

To level up your React skills, you must first get a firm understanding of what React is, why it is useful for your project, and the challenges you will face when developing with it. The questions that you must ask yourself to truly understand the technology according to the best ReactJS development company.

A quick look at ReactJS:-

It is a view library, which means it allows you to build components that render HTML and other DOM elements. It is a state management library, which means it allows you to manage the state of your component. It is a pattern library, which means it allows you to build reusable components. The best ReactJS development company can help you with this.

Different Tips and Tricks:

  1. Folder Structure:

If you are new to React, your folder structure is a crucial consideration when building your app. Creating a good folder structure will help keep your code organized, something that can help make the code easier to understand and maintain.

  1. Don’t make new components:

You shouldn’t make new components because you can just use the components that exist in the React.js and JavaScript ecosystem. React application components are generally written using a single file and exported as named exports. For example, all of the components used in the CreateAbout component could be written as just one file and exported as About.js.

  1. Focus on data encryption:

The most important part of building a React application is to focus on data encryption as the best ReactJS development company. The React application data should be encrypted using the exact same algorithm used by the server. This ensures that both the client and server use the same encryption algorithm. This also ensures that the data is encrypted on both the client and the server.

  1. The golden CSS in Java Script rule:

Use CSS to style your application. The best ReactJS development company can provide you with the golden CSS rule including the font weight, font family, line height, color, and background colors. This is the same rule used on the pages of the React documentation. This encompasses both the settings of your automated build and the inputs to the selling linter that will help you keep up the quality of your code.

The golden CSS rule in Java Script: Always include semicolons. This helps the parser know where one ends and the next begins. Not including semicolons can result in invalid CSS, which can cause bugs.

  1. Avoid reconciliation:

Avoid reconciliation. If you want to perform automated code style checks, use a code style tool that performs them automatically once a file is saved. This will reduce the number of conflicts that need to be resolved by human developers, and make the codebase more consistent.

  1. Higher quality tests:

This includes writing tests that cover more of the code and aren’t just functional tests. It also includes developing a consistent suite of regression tests that help ensure that your code is robust and handles unexpected situations. Ensure that all your code is formatted appropriately. We’ve found that code formatting tools like Prettier and ESLint can help with this. To write tests that cover more of the code and aren’t just functional tests.

  1. Using production build to test:

The production build test should be run before merging a pull request. It’s not uncommon for the production build to fail, which means that your changes aren’t safe, and your code isn’t polished. Build a production version of your app to test how it handles updates before pushing them to a production environment. In that case, you can take help from the best ReactJS development company.

  1. A close check of components:

If you name your components, keep a close check while naming the components. It is recommended that you name the components in a way that is descriptive of the component’s purpose. The component name should be a noun and should be unique within the application. It is also recommended that you use hyphens (-) where possible.

  1. Virtualize long list:

In most cases, the virtualized list is a long list of dozens or hundreds of items. This makes the virtualized list very difficult to scan and understand quickly, requiring the list to be reviewed ‘in-depth’ and can be a time-consuming process. The virtualized list also makes it difficult to add to or remove from without ‘breaking’ the list. Use a virtualized long list as a replacement for a physical long list.

  1. DRY your code:

Our code should be as dry as possible, removing all unnecessary code and leaving only the essential. Minimizing code is a long-term goal you should work toward, but in the short run, it is about making your code as clean as possible, which will make it easier to refactor and maintain.

  1. Consolidation of duplicated code:

There are many types of duplication in our code. We have both copy and paste code, we have code that is repeated in multiple places, and we have duplicate functions that do essentially the same thing. Even when we’re not conscious of duplicating code, we’re unintentionally writing duplicate code.

  1. Higher-Order Components(HOC):

According to the best ReactJS development company, Higher-order components (HOC) are a way of deconstructing components into their own little container that is only concerned with the public interface. They’re also known as decorators. In React, HOCs are typically used for class component decoration. A HOC takes some components and, in some cases, returns a new component that is tailored to the specific use case.

  1. Stop relying on class-based components:

For React, making components based on classes is a great choice for apps that typically contain only a single component. It lets you visually represent the internal structure of your component, while also keeping the component smaller.

But for components that contain multiple components, a class-based component can become quite large and difficult to understand. A better option for components that contain multiple components is to have them be stateless functional components.

  1. Reusability principle in React:

Put reusable code in their own components so that they can be shared, re-used, and maintained independently. You can then “copy” these components to other places in the application and modify them to add new behavior. You can also simulate this by just “copying” the component and pasting it into another file.

This principle is central to React, and to the development of all front-end frameworks. As the saying goes, “You can’t reuse code without changing it.” By breaking our components up into small reusable pieces, we ensure that the code we write is consistent, self-contained, and easy to understand.

  1. Default XSS protection with data-binding:

The default XSS protection provided by the framework is generally effective. This is true both for correctly-written code and for code that is incorrectly written. XSS protection is a very important part of securing your web application, but it is also still misused regularly. A primary goal of XSS protection is to protect sensitive data, such as user emails, credit card information, etc. from being accessed by an attacker.


I hope that I have presented you with a new perspective on how the different components of the marketing mix in digital media work, and helped you have a better understanding of how the components should be arranged. If you attempt to apply the marketing mix in this way and it works for you, in this care you can also go to the best ReactJS development company to get help.

Amanda Jenkins

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