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Tag: Work-Life Balance

Gender Equality growth

Let's be real—finding that sweet spot between work and life is like walking a tightrope in today’s go-go-go work culture. Men and women both wrestle with this balance, but it hits them differently...

Salary non exempt

Everyone has probably faced the following situation: when receiving a solid salary, the standard of living decreases, and there are often insufficient funds to realize planned projects. Unreasonable s...

work from home

Remote work is gaining popularity, thanks to technology and globalization. More and more professionals every year find this type of work more suitable for them, as it offers way more flexibility, prod...

ervin ahbabovic

So you are about to bring those business ideas to life and kickstart a great business empire, Great! However, there is more to business than just a logo and business name. It goes beyond logging in to...

good health

Undoubtedly, maintaining good physical and mental health has become a necessity for a truly happy life. It is essential to make the correct choices with food and the environment to live a healthy life...