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Tag: Family Law

Child Custody Arrangements

In the ever-evolving landscape of family dynamics, life often presents moments when relocation becomes not just a choice but a necessity or a compelling opportunity for one or both parents. These deci...

Lynette Boggs Perez | During Child Custody Proceedings

Needless to say, getting a divorce is a challenging task, but sometimes getting child custody is even more challenging. Due to stress, pressure, and fear of losing a child makes the process more stres...

Lynette Boggs-Perez - Mediation a Best Option

Do you know why the number of broken marriages is increasing rapidly? Because relationships are getting harder now. And according to almost every broken couple,  a divorce is an easy option. In the e...

Attorney Robert Pascal

Nowadays, individual need the immigration lawyer whether they want the citizenship of new country or the criminal defense. A lot of attorney available online which help individuals in resolving their ...

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Divorce is a sensitive phase of any married couple has in their life. When things didn’t work properly due to any reason, you decided to end up your marriage relationship and proceed to take divorce...