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10 (Best or Free) WordPress Plugins for Digital Marketing

Do you know there are a million websites powered by the WordPress (a content management system)?
From individuals to some of the leading organizations in the world, WordPress has achieved an amazing growth in each business domain.

Even though, marketing professionals also prefer WordPress due to its various advantages such as SEO friendly, flexible and the availability of several plugins to choose from.

For marketers, plugins are one of the most significant tools to boost SEO efforts. With so many instigated, it’s challenging to figure out the finer ones to use, especially when you’re strapped for time.

Below, we`ll discuss 10 best WordPress plugins, assisting in everything from SEO to email marketing and various other.

Let’s get started!

Essential WordPress Plugins for Marketers


Jetpack offers advanced features like analytics, content tools, mobile themes, and more. It is an all-in-one WordPress marketing automation plugins that benefit marketers in enhancing their website. Also. It enables the marketer to choose the one, they want to active based on their unique needs.

Just Writing

Just writing deals with WordPress` Distraction – Free Writing Model (DFWM) to an entirely new level. This plugin introduces significant features including spell check and paragraph styling to help bloggers focus on words, avoiding the drop out of DFMW to implement basic formatting.

Google XML Sitemaps

By generating an XML sitemap, search engines are able to better index your blog. This plugin is very advantageous in pushing your posts to the rank at the top. With the help of sitemap, the search engine finds it easy to crawl website structure and seamlessly retrieve information. In addition, it indicates to search engine whenever you publish a post about fresh content.

Contact Forms & Website Analytics by HubSpot

To analyze website traffic, perhaps convert them into leads, this plugin can help! Contact Forms & Website Analytics by HubSpot an automated marketing and customer tracking tool that tracks visitor’s behavior while increasing leads to opportunity conversion rate. At the time of conversion, leading add them to your contact list and maintain contact details along with visitor history.

FD Word Statistics

It enhances posts readability, you created through popular readability analysis methods. FD Word Statistics leverages the formulas of the Gunning Fog and the Flesch-Kincaid to score your writing. Also, it helps in comprehending education level required to understand your post.

Broken Link Checker

If you want to obstruct Google from following broken links on your website, Broken Link Checker is a valuable plugin to opt for. Broken Link Checker analyzes your posts to detect broken links while indicating you when they surface.

Through plugin page, you can easily edit your broken backlink in this plugin avoiding manually editing to each post.

Proofread Bot

It identifies typo. Proofread Bot is a valuable plugin designed to identify – spelling, grammar mistakes, and stylistic issues. Also, it identifies plagiarism of content by scanning through plagiarism checking tools.


Spammy comments on a blog seem to be annoying. Akismet eliminates spammy comments by reviewing and filtering your comments. Also, it identifies misleading links and other spam signs. Through Akismet, users can watch out for comments and maintain it accordingly.

Title Experiments

The make or break the ability of your blog depends on its title. With the help of Title Experiments, you can perform A/B test – one title against another to choose the suitable that helps in maximizing your click-through rates. Title Experiments is one of the best WordPress plugins for blogs.

WordPress SEO by Yoast

Even if you are not aware of SEO, Yoast Plugin provides you with guidance. This plugin is by far a complete SEO solution for WordPress. It is useful in adding custom post title, Meta description, and Meta keyword for our posts, pages, taxonomies and much more. When writing the Meta information, it shows you a Google search result snippet preview, so you can see exactly how your content will look when someone searches for it in Google.


Being a marketer, you should always look for up-to-date methods to enhance your online marketing and improve search results. Consider publishing blog to drive traffic and opt for latest techniques to promote your blog.

If you know any other useful WordPress plugins for marketers? Let us know in the comments.


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