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6 Eco-Saving Habits You Must Start Practicing
By AMANDA MILLS 703 views

6 Eco-Saving Habits You Must Start Practicing

With climate change and environmental degradation posing ever-growing threats, we must adopt more eco-friendly habits in our daily lives that can collectively bring about tremendous positive impacts. By becoming more conscious consumers and modifying behaviors, we can substantially reduce carbon footprints and promote sustainability.

This article discusses seven simple yet highly effective eco-saving habits we should cultivate, as recent IPCC reports have warned of potentially catastrophic environmental transformations if greenhouse gas emissions aren’t urgently curbed.

Individual actions matter, and shifting to sustainable lifestyles by embracing eco-friendly habits can significantly lower emissions, collectively creating the systemic change needed to build resilient communities and protect the planet. The outlined eco-saving habits deliver immense environmental and financial benefits.

Switch to Renewable Energy

Transitioning to clean renewable energy sources like solar or wind is one of the most impactful steps for shrinking our carbon footprints. Conventional energy derived from fossil fuels releases copious greenhouse gases, driving climate change. Investing in rooftop solar panels or signing up for renewable energy plans through utility providers allows households to reduce their reliance on polluting energy sources.

Though installing panels involves upfront costs, the long-term savings in energy bills are substantial. Clean energy protects the environment, hedges against fluctuating electricity prices, and increases home values. With solar costs falling dramatically and incentives increasing, switching to renewables is becoming attractive and affordable for more households.

Change Dietary Habits

Our dietary habits carry tremendous climate impacts we often overlook. Food production accounts for around a quarter of global greenhouse emissions, with animal agriculture being the leading culprit. Production of meat and dairy is far more emissions-intensive than plant-based foods. Transitioning to plant-forward diets by reducing consumption of animal products delivers outsized climate benefits.

Simple changes like observing Meatless Mondays or trying more plant-based recipes gently nudge your diet in a sustainable direction. Consider swapping beef and pork for lower-impact chicken or turkey. Emphasizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes boosts nutrition while lowering food-related emissions. Dietary shifts conserve resources, protect ecosystems, and improve health outcomes.

Adopt Sustainable Fashion Habits

Fashion leaves massive environmental footprints often neglected by consumers. Textile manufacturing uses copious water, energy, and chemicals, generating immense pollution and waste. Adopt sustainable fashion habits by purchasing fewer garments of higher quality that last longer. Avoid fast fashion brands that encourage higher consumption and waste.

Donate or resell unwanted clothes instead of tossing them. Wash clothes less frequently, at cooler temperatures, and with full loads. Air dry when possible to skip electric drying. Repair and mend clothes rather than discarding them. Opt for natural fabrics like cotton, hemp, and linen, which have lower footprints than synthetics like polyester. Also, use reusable makeup remover pads instead of disposable ones. Following sustainable fashion principles reduces waste, pollution, and resource depletion.

Reduce Single-Use Plastics

Plastics pose monumental threats to the oceans and marine life. An estimated 8 million tons of plastic enter oceans annually due to overflowing landfills and poor waste management. Single-use plastics like shopping bags, straws, water bottles, and utensils are discarded after one use, persisting for centuries due to slow decomposition.

Avoid single-use plastics by carrying reusable bags and water bottles. Say no to straws or use reusable glass, metal, or bamboo straws. Favor biodegradable alternatives like paper, jute, or wood over plastic. Support bans on specific single-use plastic items in your community to facilitate the transition. Reducing plastic usage curbs plastic pollution entering water bodies and microplastics contaminating seafood.

Practice Sustainable Gardening

Sustainable gardening techniques reduce the environmental impact of growing fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. Conventional gardening often involves copious pesticides, fertilizers, water, and waste generation. Shifting to organic methods eliminates synthetic chemical usage, building soil health naturally. Compost all yard and food waste to produce nutrient-rich fertilizer.

Use native plants suited to local conditions and propagate new plants from seeds or cuttings. Employ natural pest control methods like introducing beneficial insects. Set up water collection systems like rain barrels to minimize water usage.

Practice no-till methods and mulch beds to retain moisture and nutrients. Create wildlife habitats to restore biodiversity. Community gardens foster collective sustainability and expand access to organic produce. Adopting sustainable gardening provides educational, financial, and environmental benefits.

Cut Down on Wasted Food

Roughly one-third of food produced globally gets wasted or lost. In industrialized nations like the US, over 40% of food waste in America occurs at the retail and consumer levels. Disposing of uneaten food costs money while generating potent greenhouse emissions exacerbate climate change.

Beating food waste starts with improved shopping habits and meal planning. Make frequent small trips rather than large bulk purchases of perishables prone to spoiling. Plan weekly meals using items already on hand to avoid excess purchases.

Monitor fridge contents and use older ingredients first. Freeze, preserve, or repurpose excess food or leftovers. Compost organic waste rather than sending it to landfills. Cutting food waste saves money and reduces emissions and hunger.


Environmental sustainability requires individuals to rethink entrenched habits and transition to eco-saving habits alternatives. We can all lower our carbon footprints by making lifestyle changes and conscious consumption choices in areas like energy use, diet, travel, and waste.

Adopting even a few of these easy yet impactful eco-saving habits protects the climate and preserves natural resources for the future. Small, consistent changes in our habits collectively precipitate the systemic transition to equitable and ecologically regenerative economies essential for planetary health. We invest in our shared future by embracing sustainability in our everyday lives.

Amanda Mills

I’m a Web Designer, Freelance Writer, and Digital Marketer with a study background in Logic, Philosophy, and Journalism. I’ve always had an unwavering passion