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architectural design
By ENRICO CONTI 5,433 views

Award-Winning Eco-Friendly Architectural Designs

Many people live in an urban area with its modern amenities and lifestyle. Yet, they yearn to be surrounded by nature. “They want a city with eco-friendly designs and natural surroundings,” says Enrico Conti, a green architect whose economy people live in Australia. Having a deep knowledge of green construction and sustainable building materials, he has built energy-efficient properties both in the urban and rural areas of Australia.

An eco-friendly building is not all about having green scenery and decorative plants. The architect should be able to balance urbanization with natural concepts. He should harmonize the ecology and recreate designs with nature.

Interior decorators and architects try as much as possible to fulfill this need creatively. They ensure their design and decorative concepts meet the green and sustainable criteria. The designs are done in a non-superficial way. Most of these designs have won the iF design awards through the years.

Interior decorators and architectural designs using energy-friendly materials to create sustainable buildings. This is also in line with the world’s aim of preventing global warming.

What makes a design worthwhile?

Reinterpret current spaces: Architects can not drastically change the space that already exists. It doesn’t matter if the space is publicly or privately owned. They can only design or redesign with the space given to them. Their job is to make green oases with those spaces. It is up to them to use innovative ways to make new designs. The space available may be very small or very large. The space might also be a place meant for family housing. Playgrounds and recreation centers have different spaces.

Be attuned with nature: The clamor for green oases comes from the need to save the planet. Humans need to adjust their way of life to achieve this. There should be a sustainable link between us and the environment. Interior decorators and architects strive to connect the indoors with the outside environment.

2021 iF Design Awards

iF Design Award is an international architectural designs award for building designers (including interior and exterior). It gives awards and recognition to outstanding designers worldwide.

The 2021 design motto was “The Creative Power of Design.” The awardees are designers who encouraged relationships between people and nature.

Here are the designs that have won the 2021 iF Design Award.

Architectural category

This category awards architects. The architects combined eco-friendly materials with modern creativity to build a sustainable building.

Singapore’s Us Pavilion (The Future of Us Pavilion): This was designed in Singapore. The pavilion can be found in Gardens, Singapore. It shows non-verbal communication between humans and nature. The architect uses the usual impressive building layouts. He incorporates the layouts with a complex perforated surface. The surface is then fluidly shaped with the neighboring surroundings. The Pavilion has an outdoor area with a relaxed atmosphere. The feeling is like strolling underneath the leaves of luxuriant tropical plants.

The Pavilion was designed to commemorate the country’s capstone golden jubilee.

Tonga Park Design (Tongan Wenbi Pagoda Park): It is an outdoor metropolitan design meant to change the park’s old look to a modern one. The job was given to Xiamen Urban designers by the city administration. The city was the one that gave farmland as a space to the designers. Eight acres of the historic and cultural plantation were allocated: The farmland.

The aim of redesigning the park is to build a cultural recreation center for the people. Agricultural professionals and analysts worked together to restore the city’s natural environment. The city’s cultural legacy was preserved.

Lithuania Plaza (V-Plaza): It is a metropolitan development oasis. The designs are new with colorful camouflages and the most contemporary work areas. It was designed by an architectural company in Lithuania. The modern architectural designs is a vision to behold. Bicycle and scooter riders can ride on spiral man-made steps. The plaza is tranquil with water amenities, diners, and coffee shops.

The plaza is combined with a play area, a skating park, and a contemporary living area. The design makes it easy to cater to young crowds also.

Taichung City Railway (Impression of Railway): It is a contemporary recreational place built with sustainable materials and methods. The modern designs were done according to the city’s needs. Residents participated in its construction. The new railway is a means of preserving the former one. It has an eco-friendly museum with an ancient legacy and renovated railway structures. It is a fusion of culture and modernity with the ecosystem.

Descente Innovation Studio Complex (DISC): It is a sports research and development laboratory creatively designed by experts. It has several features to make sports research conducive. There is a track and a yard which are the core of the building, among many others. It has an endless green spiral that goes up organically. A curving manmade highland gives it a vibrant personality. The place is harmonious for workers and visitors. The modern architectural design gives it a classy look. The eco-friendly materials used in building it make it sustainable. It has a clear space to ensure creativity.


“The world is discarding the use of building materials that are harmful to us and our environment,” Enrico Conti states.

Architects need to evolve with time and use energy-friendly building materials. Interior designers need to incorporate sustainable architectural designs into their work. These will create a place of comfort, harmony, and happiness.

Enrico Conti

Enrico Conti is a Green Architect and makes eco-friendly architectural designs in Australia. He have an in-depth understanding of sustainable building materials and green construction methodologies. Whether it is a new home on rural property in Austr

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