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artifical grass
By AMANDA MILLS 2,719 views

Artificial Grass Recyclers Advise on Synthetic Turf Application

Artificial grass brings a host of benefits to landscaping. This synthetic cover is growing in popularity, and there are several reasons for that. It’s easy to install, needs almost no maintenance, and does not harm the environment. And on top of everything, it has many uses.

The initial synthetic turf was revolutionary, but it did not have much in common with natural grass. Modern turf looks and feels the same as a real one, and it’s almost hard to tell the difference. It can beautify any area, so it has become a common choice in residential and commercial landscaping.

If you opt for synthetic turf, below are guidelines on laying it:

Yard Decoration

This is the most widespread use of synthetic grass. It can quite well replace the existing lawn or create the illusion of natural greenery in places where grass does not grow. So it’s an excellent choice for a shaded area or even those where natural grass is preferred, like front yards or patios.

Quality turf will give your yard freshness and liveliness, so you can enjoy the beautiful lawn all year round. Plus, it’s low-maintenance, which means a lot to people who lead a hectic lifestyle and don’t have too much time to devote to arranging their yards. So instead of frequent watering, fertilizing, and mowing, they can only clean this synthetic substrate from time to time and make it look good as new.

Equipping the Kids’ Play Area

If you enjoy a well-kept and tidy yard, you probably have a mini-nervous breakdown every time your muddy five-year-old runs you over the lawn. Then again, you know that kids need space to play. And soft grass is the safest and most comfortable surface.

You’ll be happy to know synthetic turf does just as good a job. Its fibers are delicate and flexible and provide excellent foot padding. So, kids can walk on it barefoot. Also, this surface ensures good drainage, so risks of injury, slipping, and scratches are minimal.

Synthetic grass perfectly tolerates heavy traffic and can be used for public play areas and sports fields for the youngest. Also, it can be an excellent base for climbing frames and adventure parks. Finally, it’s a good choice for schools, nurseries, and daycare outdoor playgrounds, where children’s safety while playing is a priority.

Sports Fields

Similar to children’s playgrounds, sports fields suffer a lot of traffic almost every day. A few decades ago, natural grass was the best solution for these surfaces, artificial turf has proven to be a very good and cost-effective alternative. In fact, sports pitches were the first places where synthetic turf found its purpose.

Apart from durability, artificial turf looks good all year round. Even on sports fields, where these surfaces wear out quickly due to heavy use, synthetic turf can be easily cleaned, replenished, and arranged so that it looks flawless.

Besides aesthetics, a good-looking pitch is also vital to prevent injuries that often happen to athletes due to uneven and messy terrain. On this link, you can check some tips on pitch maintenance.

Pool Surrounding

Pool Surrounding

Pool areas can also be found on this list. These places should look nice but also be safe for swimmers, especially kids who often run there with wet feet. So, the surface should be non-slip, comfortable for bare feet, and allow water drainage. Natural grass, although looking great, is not good for either.

Besides, constant trampling and soaking grass with chlorinated water can dry out and destroy it. Luckily, that is not the case with artificial turf. Its fibers tolerate pool chemicals well, which you can wash off from synthetic piles. Also, it provides solid foot support and a cooling effect, making this turf a better option for pool areas than concrete or natural stone.

Artificial Grass for Indoor Use

A lush, green lawn belongs outside, and you cannot grow natural grass inside. But what about synthetic grass? It can equally well decorate interior areas as it beautifies yards and gardens. Thus, this substrate can find its purpose in indoor sports halls, hotels, shopping malls, and offices.

The artificial grass of shorter piles can be an excellent substitute for fitted carpets in offices and meeting rooms. This green surface will give the necessary freshness to your workplace, thus stimulating productivity and a better mood.

As for hotels and other hospitality facilities, synthetic turf AGR can be used in courtyards and parks, but also in enclosed gardens, halls, and around closed swimming pools and spa areas. Besides looking beautiful, this substrate is an economical solution for large commercial spaces due to its low-maintenance requirements.

Besides lawns and yard hillsides, artificial grass can have several other uses. You can be creative with its usage, as it can easily fit into open and closed spaces. Sure, you have to meet installation requirements first. But when everything is done correctly, you can enjoy unusual but soft and attractive flooring in your residential or commercial areas.

Amanda Mills

I’m a Web Designer, Freelance Writer, and Digital Marketer with a study background in Logic, Philosophy, and Journalism. I’ve always had an unwavering passion

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