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Author: divya uplogic

divya uplogic

I'm Divya working at Uplogic Technologies Pvt Ltd,Uplogic technologies as a leading producer of mobile app and web app solutions in the market. We serve many entrepreneurs in their business globally. Uplogic’s primary focus is developing android apps, iPhone/iPad apps, and cross-platform apps for on-demand business models like taxi booking, online food delivery, taxi dispatching solutions, and many more services. Our top selling products are SpotnRides and SpotnEats, which are related to the on-demand industry. The Unique selling proposition of ours is providing free after sale support and customization for some time on all our projects. Our satisfied clientele base is a result of the work by our dedicated development team and our commitment towards technology. Our Product Website: https://www.spotnrides.com/

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

If you are running an on-demand business then, you know that to retain the customer base, you have to introduce new products into existing business service. The type of product differs from service to...