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Author: Sawoni Chowdhury

Sawoni Chowdhury

Sawoni Chowdhury is an aficionado of writing. She is an expert writer and blogger and shares her views and opinions on a range of topics such as Lifestyle, Business, Entertainment and lot more.


Now skin problems have become a common problem. These problems take place due to genetic abnormalities, hormonal fluctuation due to puberty, pregnancy, menopause, allergies from food, bug bites, and o...


Orthodontics is a particular type of dentistry that deals with dental problems. Orthodontics deals with diagnosing dental problems, prevention, and correction of malposition of teeth and jawline. Here...

Oral Habit

It is said that when you smile, the world smiles with you. It is the very essence of your personality. This makes not only you happy but also people around you. They feel confident and positive and th...