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olivier jollin - Aerospace Technician
By OLIVIER JOLLIN 2,476 views

How many years of Training need to become an Aerospace Engineer?

For those who love studying math and science and love solving puzzles or problems, must try to make a career in Aerospace Engineering. It not only offers you career in national defense, but also in civilian companies that deal with satellite, aircraft, and other related industries. Today, this field consider as one of the best and demanding field.  However, not everyone knows much about this field and process to become an Aerospace engineer.

So, let’s explore the little more about Aerospace Engineer with Olivier Jollin.

Preparation in High School     

Aerospace engineering generally considers two areas: aeronautical or astronomical. When we talk about aeronautics, it actually deals with aircraft that stays within Earth’s atmosphere. And when we talk about astronautics, it deals with spacecraft and satellites that work both within and outside Earth’s atmosphere. Although to enter into this field you need a bachelor’s degree, there are things can do in your high school to start preparing for these careers. Subjects like advanced math, computer programming, chemistry, and physics must include in your coursework. In fact, you may find some universities and research institutes that offer engineering summer camps. Such camps can help you a lot in the preparation for this career.

Aerospace Technician or Engineer or Scientist

Aerospace industry offers a variety of jobs and opportunities to those who are interested in this career field. Before you decide to make a career in this field, you have to decide which of these three options you find more interesting. If you choose to become a scientist, you need to expand understanding and knowledge in their field. The primary function of a scientist is to research and generally required an advanced post-graduate degree. If you choose to become an engineer, you must know that he is a person who takes the knowledge gained by scientists and transforms that into plans to build or improve things. You need a minimum of a 4-year bachelor’s degree to start a career in these jobs. When we talk about aerospace technicians, they play an important support role for both engineers and scientists. The role of a technician is to perform different tasks like building models, operating a wind tunnel, etc. An individual need a two-year associate degree in science to enter this aerospace technician jobs.

ABET-Accredited Bachelor’s Program

As we have discusses above, generally, an aerospace engineer requires a 4-year bachelor’s degree from an ABET-accredited school. Apart from a degree in aerospace engineering, a degree in science or in mathematics could also lead to a career in aerospace engineering. In fact, there are some colleges and universities collaborated with local businesses or government agencies, including NASA to offer internships, apprenticeships, or other programs. The motive is to to provide the student with extra training and experience.

Master’s or Doctorate Degree

Most people may not know that aerospace technology and engineering jobs are competitive, therefore a student may need further degree after completing graduation. A post-graduate degree would also be beneficial for you if your aim is to achieve higher levels of leadership or research. Some bachelor’s programs consist of an additional fifth year, which means a student can attain his bachelor’s and master’s degree at the same time. However, other master’s degree programs can complete within two years. And when it comes to a doctorate degree, generally extra two to four years required to complete it.

Final Words

So, these are the few important facts about Aerospace Engineering that you must know if you want to make a career in this field. According to Olivier Jollin, to become a successful Aerospace Engineer, you must start preparing at the early stage in order to create a win-win game.

Olivier Jollin

Olivier Jollin intègre l’École supérieure d’aéronautique et de constructions mécaniques et en sort diplômé en 1987. Il commence sa carrière professionnelle comme pilote d’essai, mais il est grièvement blessé lors d’un accident et met fin à cette activité.

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