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By JAKES LESSOR 4,938 views

Orthodontist’s Thoughts on Braces with Missing Teeth

If you’re considering braces to straighten your teeth, and you’re missing a tooth or two, there are some things to consider when making your decision about how to proceed. Some dentists may advise you to get braces with missing teeth, but be aware that this isn’t always the best solution in your situation. Here are some ideas on what orthodontists think about braces with missing teeth and how they might be able to help you decide what’s best for you.

Be aware that you may need to have your braces adjusted

If you’re missing a tooth, your orthodontist may adjust your braces to better fit your mouth. If a tooth is missing from either side of your mouth, it will cause your teeth to shift and can affect how much space is left for braces. Your orthodontist may remove the extra wire or use spacers between teeth to give you room for braces. This is particularly true if you have been wearing removable retainers since losing a tooth early on in treatment. If there isn’t enough space to place all of your brackets, he or she might move some over so that they are touching instead of leaving space between them. The amount of space left for braces depends on where you lost your tooth.

If a tooth was lost in an area where there aren’t any other teeth around it, such as at the back of your mouth, then more space would be available than if one was lost next to another tooth. The location of missing teeth also affects whether braces will be needed after getting dentures. For example, if a patient loses their wisdom teeth before getting braces, they won’t need them afterward because those spaces will still be open even after their dentures are put in place. However, patients who lose their wisdom teeth after getting braces would need to get new ones once their braces come off because those spaces wouldn’t be open anymore without those wisdom teeth holding everything together.

Your orthodontist may be able to find an alternative treatment plan

If you’re dealing with missing teeth, an orthodontist can help. One way is by offering partial dentures, also known as flippers. This type of prosthetic appliance replaces lost teeth and connects to your existing natural teeth for stability. There are a few different types of flippers available at most orthodontic offices: depending on which one your orthodontist chooses to use, it will be constructed from synthetic plastic or high-quality porcelain, meaning that it should blend in seamlessly when you’re talking or smiling. The only difference between partial dentures and their real counterparts is that they won’t have roots attached to them; instead, they will have anchors called clasps that secure them in place within your gums. Flippers are designed to give you back some of what you’ve lost, but not all—

Discuss how you can care for your teeth while wearing braces.

You can wear braces with missing teeth for some of your orthodontic treatments. Your orthodontist will help you determine how long you need to keep your missing teeth covered, which could be anywhere from a few months to several years. While wearing braces, if you have any teeth that have been extracted recently or are waiting to be extracted, chances are they won’t need to be replaced. However, if there are any other teeth that may cause interference and/or bothersome discomfort while wearing braces, your orthodontist may suggest replacing them. To replace a tooth, an artificial tooth is cemented into place. This artificial tooth is called an abutment, and it helps hold your replacement crown in place until it has fully fused to your jawbone. If you choose to replace one or more of your missing teeth while wearing braces, there are many options available including removable partial dentures (RPDs), fixed full dentures (FHDs), bridges, dental implants, and overdentures. There are pros and cons associated with each option; therefore it is important to discuss all of these options with your orthodontist before making a decision regarding the replacement of missing teeth while wearing braces.

Taking care of your teeth includes avoiding permanent damage

It might not be a big deal at first, but missing teeth can wreak havoc on your oral health says this professional dentist in Pasadena CA. For one thing, they could easily lead to long-term problems—such as crooked or crowded teeth—and because of that, you should see an orthodontist right away if you’re dealing with missing teeth. You’ll find all kinds of helpful information here about braces and missing teeth: how to tell when you need braces; how much orthodontic treatments cost; even tips for finding orthodontists in your area. If you have any questions give us a call and we’ll be happy to help! We want to make sure you keep your smile healthy and beautiful for years to come.

Give us a call if you have any questions about our missing tooth braces services.

Even after a tooth is extracted, you may still have to deal with braces that don’t fit perfectly. This can lead to discomfort, constant adjustments from your orthodontist, and even damage to adjacent teeth. Don’t risk further complications—call us if you have any questions about our missing tooth braces services in Los Angeles, CA. We’ll be happy to answer them and help you get your life back on track sooner than later.

Jakes lessor

orthodontic braces : Some people resist smiling even at happy moments, or they cover their mouth with their hand just because of their crooked teeth.

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