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By BENI RESTEA 1,662 views

Buying a Home in Ashburn VA

At one point or another in our adult lives, chances are we’ll want to buy a home. Maybe we’ve finally saved up enough to buy one outright; maybe we’ve just gotten our credit score up enough to get a mortgage with a decent interest rate. Whatever the reason, it’s something you’re very likely to encounter.

If you’re in this position, then you’re going to need to narrow down your options for a location. Sure, you could buy a home in the neighborhood you grew up in; but why not get out of that shadow? Why not strike out on your own? After all, you’re your own person. Your options are virtually limitless!

If you’re willing to take this leap of faith, then you’ll need a suitable location. The place you choose can be affected by many factors, such as employment opportunities, median home prices and investment potential. But what if there was a place that was attractive in all of these areas, and enough so to make just about anyone think twice about moving elsewhere?

The community of Ashburn VA

If you like the sound of that, we’ve got good news for you: that place exists, and it’s named Ashburn VA! This attractive little community is quickly growing in size and population and boasts a long list of perks that anyone who lives in Ashburn Virginia can enjoy. Want to know more about this attractive community? Keep reading!

Ashburn is not particularly exceptional, except for one thing: it’s the home of the data hub through which over seventy percent of the data in the United States passes on its way to its destination! This distinction does a great deal for the local community and its economy, as well as most aspects of everyday life.

Commonly referred to as the Silicon Valley of the East, Ashburn is, to put it simply, thriving. The abundance of jobs in the technical sector has drawn in droves of technicians, engineers, specialists and other professionals, all of whom have enriched the community. This notwithstanding, you may be wondering what state the real estate market is in. Let’s find out!

Ashburn VA housing market

As a result of the influx of highly qualified professionals, housing prices in Ashburn have increased by a steep margin in recent years. While this may deter buyers whose budgets are limited, for those who look at a home as an investment, this is a dream come true. Investments made in this market are a surefire way to turn a hefty profit.

So what is the median home price, exactly? At just over $600,000, we’ll tell you what it is: it’s steep. This doesn’t mean it’s not worth the price though. Homes here are large and luxurious, and well worth the money they require to be bought. If you have a family, you won’t have any trouble finding something that suits your needs.

If you’re planning on renting, you’d better bring plenty of funds, because the median rent price is also quite hefty here. At a median price of over $1,700 a month, those living in rentals will be paying dearly for that privilege. With rents these high, it’s safe to say that buying a home is the safest way to go.

As far as investment is concerned, things are great in the community of Ashburn VA. Homes, undeveloped property and commercial properties are all rising rapidly in price as the population grows, and there’s no end to this trend in sight. If you are looking for a safe investment opportunity, this might just be it.

If you want to buy some property in this beautiful community, why not contact one of the real estate agents in Ashburn VA? These professional, highly qualified realtors will help you (and your family, if you’ve got one) get set up in a new home in no time. Before you know it, you might just be calling Ashburn home!

Ashburn: a safe, friendly community

There really is almost nothing bad to be said about this community. It’s just about as close as you can get to perfection! With warm, friendly residents, a thriving job market and a very active real estate community, you can’t go wrong moving here. If you needed any more proof as to whether or not this is really one of the greatest communities around, just look at how safe it is!

Ashburn is one of the safest and most secure places in the entire country. Crime rates are far, far below the national average, and the community is collectively aware of that fact. Law enforcement is professional, and residents are relaxed and carefree. If safety is one of your concerns, you won’t have to be concerned about it here!


Ashburn really is a great place to buy a home. With dozens of positives and very few negatives, the community speaks for itself! If you are an IT professional or you just find yourself wanting to live in the silicon valley of the east, why not make this beautiful, friendly community your home? Who knows; you might soon be Ashburn’s newest resident!

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Beni Restea

Beni is very passionate about real estate, finance, and traveling, which is the motivating force behind the inspiring topics he writes about for RealEstateAgent.com

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