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Covid 19 Virus

Covid 19 – Impacts Buffalo Tourism

The outbreak of the novel Corona disease has taken in its grip many countries around the world. Out of which the most hit countries having a significant loss of life in the United States and Italy. This has caused major concern to not only the human experience around but also to global trade. One of the most impacted sectors in Western New York is tourism. The city of Buffalo – similar to other global cities has been strongly impacted by the pandemic.  Buffalo is currently facing a major business and tourism crisis light of the COVID 19, says NY based immigration-attorney Jon Purizhansky.

Covid 19, also referred to as Coronavirus, is a pandemic that has affected nearly the entire world. While New York City quickly became the epicenter of the virus, Buffalo and surrounding regions quickly became impacted.  Numerous local events have been canceled or indefinitely postponed, such as St. Patrick’s Day Parades, sporting events, school attendance, and nearly all non-essential local businesses have shuttered. Mayor Byron Brown has put together a strong task force specific to combating COVID 19 and positioning Buffalo to overcome its negative effects.




It’s odd to see empty streets, open highways, and little activity in such a strong community centric environment, continued Jon Purizhansky. The drastic city measures are required as the Covid 19 virus has shown to be highly contagious and, in some circumstances, lethal.  Many local hospitals are beyond capacity to accommodate the virus infected patients, and as a result local officials are taking drastic measures to encourage social distancing and common testing to slow the rate of infection until a vaccine is developed.

The virus was first identified in China, and quickly spread to other parts of Asia and Europe.  Italy became a “hot spot” of infections prior to the US penetration.  In the United States, a coordinate federal and local effort to provide adequate healthcare resources – including personal protective equipment for health care professionals, and widely available testing is a priority.

While the city of Buffalo has been impacted as much of the region and country, there is hope for many reasons, says Jon Purizhansky.  Buffalo is home to leading medical centers which have superior resources and adequate space to accommodate patients.  In addition, Buffalo is not as densely populated as other cities thus citizens may social distance in a more natural manner.  Nonetheless, this chapter will leave a mark on the country and the city itself, but positivity and forward thinking will help bring a positive outcome.

Jon Purizhansky Buffalo, New York

Jon Purizhansky is the Founder of Joblio, Inc ( joblio.co ) and is based in Buffalo, New York. Jon Purizhansky is a New York lawyer with years of international experience focused on leveraging technology to bring transpa

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