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Lack of confidence – Give self a reality check
Lack of confidence - Give self a reality check
By MANISHA GULERIA 5,056 views

Lack of Confidence – Give Self a Reality Check

Confidence is all about how you feel. Believe in yourself, your capabilities, talent, and knowledge of goals construct you as a confident person. Everyone face difficult phases in their life but Hero is the only one who does all hard work and comes up with a successful person.

Reason behind Lack of confidence

There are Plenty of reasons behind the lack of Confidence like bad experiences, Failure, Lack of knowledge, fear etc.

Many success stories of the super successful person who defeats much time, however, didn’t stop there self to explore new opportunities on the way to success.

Bill Gates the co-founder of Microsoft, Walt Disney the American entrepreneur, Steve Jobs the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple.

All names mentioned above are well known by the World. Read their success stories.

Reality Check- Effort to spot the root of low confidence

Some people are quite confident and few don’t seem to be, have you ever though why? There is no shame in any respect if you got nervous, squat, fumble while speaking. Give yourself a reality check, analyze carefully and work on lacking parts.

Body language:

Manage your body to raise confidence. Before any verbal communication, it’s your gestures, postures and facial expression that speaks a lot about you. If you want others to think you are a confident first thing to work on your body language.

Reason behind Lack of confidence

Dress Up:

Your attire plays a very important role in your confidence as you look good, you feel good. Boost your confidence by wearing appropriate dress in pursuance of the occasion.

View rejection as the opportunity:

Life will never be in the same phase. Don’t be the pessimist rather prepare your mind to welcome the rejection or failure and take it as the opportunity to learn more. Ready to learn new skills every time– nothing is wrong if you were not familiar with the things. Be a learner that benefit you in long run.

Analyze yourself:

Analyze yourself after you feel nervous and low in confidence. Work hard to overcome on your weak point and have positive self -talk. Replace your negative thoughts by recalling your mind regarding goal and achievements so far.

Listen and think before speak:

Listen carefully before you speak throughout any interaction for the effective outcome of the conversation. Be clear. Remove um ah from the conversation, give yourself enough time to think instead of um ah…

Be curious to learn new skills:

Learning is the continuous process so be a learner. Never say no to learning new skills, the more you skilled the more you confident. Always ready to learn to enhance your skills and be positive.

Surround with positive Folks:

Throw negative people from life who makes to feel you bad or shake your confidence but every time it’s not possible that you cut off with them, try to ignore and keep your focus because you know well than other that in which you are best. Believe in yourself.

Follow your role model:

Admire your role model.

Read books:

Numerous books are available on confidence which defiantly helps you out to boost confidence. Books are the huge source of knowledge that additionally help you with communication.

No one will get confident within a night. Work on your lacking performance areas and putting efforts defiantly help. You just have to find out firstly – Your Lacking Area.

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