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MCX live data1
By DIKSHA DUBEY 6,255 views

Where can I get basic MCX live data on commodity trading in India?

Just like buying and selling everyday items in the local market, MCX trading is similar to that, just on a very large scale done through online trading. MCX (Multi Commodity Exchange) is an Indian based commodity trading market like BSE and NSE. The traders have to see the market trends using MCX live data through the various platforms, learn about MCX tips and take advice and recommendation for experts.

MCX live data

How to get MCX live data in India

Once you are all set on trying your luck in MCX platform, it’s important for you to first read and analyze data which is obtained through the internet. The MCX data generally include each commodity price such as buying and selling price, price during closing and opening market, highest price today, lowest price today, and net change between them.

After learning about the trend and pricing curve, a trader can decide whether to buy or sell on these commodities, since we are dealing with the Indian market, every transaction is done through Indian Rupee.

Top MCX live data feeds in India

In order to get you up to speed, we have compiled some of the top MCX data feeds for commodity exchange and trading in India. Every of this website is fully automated and send live data to its customer.

Not only data, but the design and layout of the website are very clean and user-friendly. Here are some of the online links you can use to get MCX live data on commodity trading.

1. MCX India

The exclusively trading of energy and metal commodities only, MCX India is a well-known name in the world of online trading through MCX. The UX of the website is very easy to understand for first time users.

You just have to find the commodity name, and every information related to its price, expiry date, Open and Close price, High and low price, percent change and volume in terms of lots available for purchase. The website refreshes automatically every minute so that you can get the most updated information about MCX live data.

2. MCX Live Data

If you are more interested in dealing with MCX commodities just by learning about its predicted score, like whether a particular commodity is going up or down, then you will love MCX Live Data website.

Very minimalist design with no information overload simply provides information about highly popular MCX commodities such as Precious metals, Base metals, and Energy. Through ST (Short Trend) and LT (Long Trend) indicators, a trader can quickly decide without losing much time, whether it’s safe to trade on a particular commodity or not.

3. Commodity Online

Commodity Online shows live MCX data along with an expert indication whether it’s safe to buy or sell. If you happen to be new in this game, this website is extremely beneficial for you. With MCX live data, you would find, news about the Indian commodity market, live market information, talk to advisers online and a lot more.


There are several online sources where you can easily get MCX live data for Indian commodities, just make sure that it’s well presented

Diksha Dubey

Hi, I am Diksha Dubey and I working as a Digital Blogger

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