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Latex gloves in Singapore
By MIKE HAYNES 1,027 views

Choosing the Right kind of Disposable Glove

Professions dealing with medical operations, food management, or industrial processes generally require the use of disposable gloves. Products such as latex gloves in Singapore offer your hands a safe and protective environment when handling potentially hazardous material. Choosing the right type of glove is crucial to the levels of safety enjoyed.

Latex gloves in Singapore
Latex gloves in Singapore

Some jobs require you to work around potentially dangerous substances that might be harmful to your health. Dealing with elements such as blood, oil, and various chemicals requires you to use gloves to avoid these substances from seeping into your skin. In other instances, the gloves can also be used to maintain the sterility of a certain environment. Working with edible products, for example, requires you to wear gloves so as not to contaminate the food. Surgical processes also need a sterile environment which is enhanced by the use of medical grade gloves.

There are three primary categories involved when it comes to the different disposable gloves in the market. The particular option you choose will depend on factors such as the kind of work you’re doing and your specific needs. Latex gloves in Singapore, for example, are an ideal solution for medical requirements, but not suitable in cases where the patient has a latex allergy. Purchasing the first pair of disposable gloves you see is inadvisable; you need to study the various qualities and attributes on offer from each option.

The three main types of disposable gloves available in the market include:

Latex Gloves

Latex is by far the most common option for disposable gloves in the market. They can be implemented in different industries, but are mainly utilized in the medical and food management sectors. These products are made from natural rubber that offers a comfortable fit, allowing them to be worn for extended periods. They are also generally affordable when compared to other options in the market.

This alternative offers excellent protection when dealing with elements such as bacteria and viruses, but does not boast the same security when working with chemical products. They’re also biodegradable, making them a great option for the environment. Many people are allergic to latex, however, so you have to ensure that such susceptibility is not an issue when working with a patient.

Nitrile Gloves

Nitrile gloves are an excellent replacement for their latex counterparts as the feature many of the same attributes. This option is made from synthetic rubber and is arguably the second most popular disposable glove in the medical sector. Their elasticity allows for a comfortable fit, with their durability making them suitable for use with various chemicals. Industries working with products such as kerosene, gasoline, and other petroleum products use these gloves due to their resistant nature.

Vinyl Gloves

Vinyl gloves are mostly used in the food sector for packaging and handling needs. They are made of synthetic material and represent the cheapest option in the market. These disposable gloves, however, don’t provide adequate protection against dangerous substances such as chemicals and blood. They offer a looser fit and cannot be worn for extended periods without damage. The aim of these gloves is to protect the product being handled from being contaminated by direct contact.

Mike Haynes

Mike Haynes is the executive Vice President of Machine shop. Prior to Machine shop,Mike Haynes is a writer has a deep knowledge about industrial growth,helped many business owners through his blogs.

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