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lawn care
By EMMA ALFIE 1,725 views

Story About Lawn Care

I had recently moved into my new house in Tampa FL with my sister. She had opened up a catering business because there was a lot of demand in Florida. And I was doing an internship there to complete my graduate degree. I grew very close to the people in the internship. Everyone there became quite close to each other. So, I thought it would be a great idea to throw them all a party when the internship ends. 

The only problem was that we wanted an outdoor party and the lawn was too unruly. We always wanted to clean up the lawn ourselves but just never had the time. She was always working and I was always busy at the internship. So, we had decided to hire a company that is giving out Lawn Service in Tampa FL. We needed a company that was an expert in Lawn Care at Tampa so we asked a lot of people for recommendations. 

Alas, we came upon this company which was said to offer the highest level of quality in Lawn Care Service in Tampa FL. The person who recommended it to us was our reliable cousin who was in the renovation business. We knew we could trust her judgment. That’s why we gave this particular company a call. 

We needed the lawn to be clean and ready just in time for the part. Therefore, we only had about a week. It wasn’t enough time and we were scared the company wouldn’t be willing to take the job. But when we contacted them, they were incredibly helpful! 

They asked about everything related to the lawn and said they’ll send over someone to take a closer look. The person that had to come was present at the confirmed time. There were no delays! The man was very cooperative and easy to talk to. He talked about everything that needed to be done and what could be done within a week. He didn’t set unrealistic goals. Yet he still gave out a really great plan for cleaning up the lawn and making it look spectacular. This would be just in time for the party that I had to throw. 

 A group of men came over the next day and they were fully prepared and equipped for the task. I didn’t even know there were so many special tools that you had to use! Seeing this professional attitude really helped me calm myself down. 

It did not take long before the lawn started looking simply spectacular. The grass was cut carefully, plus no weeds to be seen. They even put on some flower beds to make the house look overall stunning and they were pretty successful. 

Moreover, throughout the job the men were really helpful and gave a lot of useful information about how to take care of the lawns. It was information that we could have only gotten from them. They answered all the questions we had regarding lawn care patiently. It was obvious they cared about customer service and wanted to ensure we were satisfied with the whole experience. This was a nice change compared to other companies we knew of that always rushed everything. 

So, the lawn was looking great and we threw an amazing party. All the party guests noticed how good the lawn looked as well. We were really happy with this company and would recommend it to anyone who needs to fix their lawn in Tampa. It is definitely worth the investment. With this high level of professionalism and great affordable prices, this company was the best choice. 

Emma Alfie

I am Emma, Writing is my passion. Love to write content on different topics on behalf of different companies. I have written several educational & informational content for different niches!

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