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Tag: credit


Managing your finances is all part of being an adult, but being an adult also means working long hours, taking care of your family, and trying to squeeze in some social time when your schedule allows ...

personal loan

Balancing your finances can be tricky to in our busy and fast-paced consumer culture. Unexpected expenses, emergency medical bills, and repairs can sometimes come at the most inopportune times and bec...

Finance for Small Business

According to Mehul Mathrani - a financial specialist, most of the time small businesses come up short at a higher rate than enormous organizations, consequently default chance is likewise high. This i...

Credit Scores

If you’re looking to buy a new home, chances are, you’re going to need a loan. However, since the mortgage crisis of 2008, lenders are more strict about to whom they lend money. Your credit score ...

Loan Rejection

Rejection never felt so good, but it is a part of everyone’s life. You may get rejected for your dream job, or from the person you love, or from the banker for the loan application. The reason could...