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Tag: oral care

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, medically known as bruxism, is regularly associated with dental problems, however, its consequences increase some distance past mere tooth wear. In this comprehensive guide, we're goin...

Oral care tips | Dr. Zhang Minguan

Are you jam-packed with a lot of activities and a super hectic work schedule? Crazy appointments, meeting an on-the-go lifestyle takes a significant toll on your physical health. Its impact is also ev...

Oral Health Care

  Who doesn’t wish to shine out with a pearly white smile? Doesn’t fresh and healthy pink gums look appealing? Healthy oral hygiene is visible easily when you maintain your oral health car...


What we often don’t take away from health classes or sessions with your dentist at the clinic is that the way we eat actually shapes a lot about our oral health! Sure, you’d like your teeth as whi...


Dentition is an essential component for humans. To put it simply, it is essential for biting, chewing, other functions that are crucial for overall health. So, when it gets damaged, it affects those f...