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By AUBURNRRAY RAY 1,775 views

Using Psychology in Web Design Leaves Better User Experience

73% of consumers agree that user experience matters in their buying journey. Not having an intuitive, fast-loading, and aesthetic website could cost businesses nearly 66% of their customers. Meanwhile, improving the user experience on all devices for visitors can result in a 200% increase in conversation rates, with the percentage rising to 400% with optimized UX design.

Creating a web design with a good user experience requires expertise that stretches beyond the limitations of visual design. The seemingly artistic and aesthetically pleasing interface looks elegant but doesn’t guarantee success.

What breaks or makes a web design is how a user perceives it during each step of the consumer journey. Understanding the psychology that drives users is integral to creating a streamlined and intuitive experience. It allows the user to enjoy increased efficiency, usability, and an overall positive experience that propels revisits.

If your agency has been focusing solely on looks, consider changing the strategy and giving clients a more rewarding experience by partnering with experienced web designers. The company has a network of designers and developers who use diverse techniques, psychology principles, and industry best practices to empower seamless user experiences.

With years of experience in the web designing industry, the white-label reseller agency has delivered numerous successful projects for agencies to help their clients see more profitable times with increased conversions.

client at a white-label reseller agency

Why Psychology Matters in Web Design

Impressive web design is more than just making it look good on the surface. The structure, content, SEO, web design, and other aspects need to be interactive. The Von Restorff Effect, Gestalt psychology, Hicks law, and many other psychological concepts are used to make informed choices about the text, colors, fonts, shapes, and graphics used to influence the message one is trying to get across.

Visitors need to feel connected to a website to improve their chances of conversion. When these intricate decisions are based on emotions and the subconscious, visitors will make judgments about the website without requiring deeper interaction.

It can give an impression that the site is safe while infusing feelings of warmth, excitement, and contentment that they’re in the right place. Users sometimes evaluate these factors in microseconds. That’s all the time a business has on its hands to keep them engaged on the website for longer.

The psychological impulses, therefore, have a significant positive influence on the target audience. Giving users what they want to see on the client’s website is the secret to boosting traffic and conversion rates. All it takes is paying more attention to how visitors grasp information and interact with different elements on the website to offer them an appealing experience when they’re even more receptive.

How to Integrate Psychological Principles in Your Client’s Web Design


Identify the Target Audience

Website design principles ideally vary depending on the target audience. When most of the target audience is tech-savvy, their priorities will differ significantly from those who go online only to like pictures of their grandchildren on Facebook.

Make Your Audience Feel Safe at Home

Soft color tones, less technical text, and more friendly images are better suited for target audiences that include a chunk of homemakers. However, if your client is a banker or tax auditor, posting numbers, figures, and similar elements in the content will make more sense.

Demonstrate Value Before Promoting Users to Do Anything

Users are skeptical about wasting time, money, or effort in a world where online fraud is widespread. Most people use the cost-benefit principle to compare the costs with the potential value they’re likely to get.

Skilled user experience designers effectively foreground the advantages over the costs. Using a psychological phenomenon called reciprocation, they can get people to trust a client’s website, making them feel happy to put effort into them, knowing the brand is also dedicated to doing something for them. Make sure the web design always demonstrates the value of the services or products before demanding anything from people, not after.

Use Space Creatively

Don’t bombard visitors with tons of information as soon as they click on the URL that redirects them to your client’s web page. Designing the space intelligently plays a vital role in making the design of a web page attractive and simple to understand.

There’s a tendency to make unusual creative decisions in an attempt to stand out from the competition. But sometimes, flaunting everything at once does more harm than good to a company’s digital presence.

If your client’s web page is full of blinking pictures, text, CTAs, graphics, and other chaotic elements, it can feel congested. The website can feel cluttered, which isn’t exactly a good choice for a generation who follows the ‘less is more principle in their everyday life.

Keep It Simple

Cluttered web pages only reflect disorganized and untidy businesses. Experts advise against going overboard with too many design components. Keep the structure simple, use hierarchy, and format it intelligently to make it easy for visitors to navigate and find what they’re looking for.

Maintain Branded Consistency

Contrary to popular belief, repetition is a smart move that most experienced psychology web designers recommend. While this doesn’t mean you must repeat the same information or images, try to keep the elements similar. It helps provide a consistent experience to all visitors while also improving brand recognition and making the business look much more professional and dependable.

Get Started

Optimizing a client’s website in terms of design, content, and SEO is a challenging task, especially when the goal is to break the clutter and increase traffic, leads, conversions, and rankings. But partnering with a white-label reseller agency to get white-label marketing solutions can help.