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Authentic Iruttu Kadai halwa
By MAHESH BABU 3,806 views

10 Essential Steps to Make Authentic Iruttu Kadai Halwa

India’s most Mouth Watering dish is Iruttu Kadai Halwa. Its queen of the Tamilnadu, most of the people in the Tamilnadu they will be an addict to the Iruttu Kadai Halwa. In Tirunelveli will be tasty and they are manufacturing in the small retail shop with small candlelight so it’s named as Iruttu Kadai, and they supply the halwa in every part of  India. Halwa shop is started 80 years back and still their generation carrying it.

Method of preparing authentic Iruttu Kadai Halwa:

For Halwa

  • 1 cup WHEAT FLOUR.
  • 1 cup of 1/2sugar.
  • 6tsbp to 8Ghee.
  • 10 into 15 cashew nuts roasted ghee.
  • Tsp ¼ cardamom powder.

For color

  • 3 tsp ghee.
  • 2 tsp of ghee.

The methodology of  making Authentic Iruttu Kadai halwa:

Step 1: Add the wheat flour to a large mixing bowl

 Step 2: Pour in 2 cups of water, little by little and mix to form a smooth, dilute batter. Make sure there are no lumps.

Step 3: Heat 2 tbsp of ghee in a pan. Add the wheat flour.

Step 4:  Stir well on low, the batter will thicken.

Step 5: Once the hitter appears to be thicker than previously, include a tbsp of ghee and mix.

Step 6: Repeat this procedure until everything except two tbsp of the ghee is fused. The whole thing should take 12 minutes.

Step 7: Add in the sugar, mixing.

Step 8: Add the nuts and the cardamom.

Step 9: Add the rest of the ghee and mix until the point when it appears as if the halwa is overflowing ghee.

Step 10: Next, the halwa begins moving far from the sides of the container ensure it slides off the spoon. Expel from warm.


  • In a different skillet, warm the ghee.
  • Include sugar and blend until the point when the sugar caramelizes.
  • In a moment, the ghee will turn a decent dark colored.
  • Pour this into the Halwa and blend well.

ruttu kadai halwa

Mahesh Babu

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