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By PREETI ROY 2,101 views

Guide to Compare the Right Air Purifier Price

Are you suffering from the detrimental effects of air pollution? Then, you might be considering getting an air purifier for your home. The decision to buy an air purifier is not difficult but choosing the right one could be. There are many brands of air purifiers available in the market and each has different features and prices even though their basic function is the same. Getting one that gives you all that you need and still fits within your budget could require some research from your end.

While some purifiers have higher efficiency in removing the pollutants from the air, the others are easy to use and maintain. To effectively compare the air purifier price, you must look at those with similar features. Only then would the comparison be fair. So, let’s show you how you can go about finding the right room air purifier for the right price.

Effectiveness at Removing Pollutants

This is the primary function of an air purifier and the need for effectiveness is higher in places where the air quality is worse. The minimum requirement from the appliance is a PM 2.5 filter to ensure that particulate matter 5 microns and larger is captured. You can choose one with a HEPA filter for even better effectiveness.


A room air purifier is no good if it only clears the air around it. Its capacity should be sufficient to effectively clean all the air present in a room. You must choose one to suit the dimensions of the room where you plan to use it.

User Friendly

The functions of the purifier should be easy to understand and operate. It should be simple enough to be operated by children without posing any danger.

Easy Maintenance

Any appliance can become painful if it is hard to maintain. In a purifier, the filters are its main components that have to be taken care of. If they are not maintained, the air won’t be cleaned as well. For timely cleaning, it is important to know when they are saturated enough. An indicator to give this information is important. Indicators for the air quality on its display are an added bonus.

Noiseless Operation

A purifier is supposed to give you fresh and clean air to facilitate good health and sound sleep, so one that is noisy fails in performing. A purifier must be quiet, if not silent. A low humming sound as it operates is welcome.

Comparing the Price

Once you are satisfied that your list only has purifiers that measure-up on the features mentioned above, you can compare them on their prices. One that gives you the best price for all the features and more should be your pick. But before you finalize your purchase, do not forget to check on warranty, certifications, and maintenance costs. These also add to your expense and hence must be considered.

A clear guide on comparison of important features before comparing the air purifier price should help you get the most suitable one not just for your home but also for your pocket.

Preeti Roy

I am a passionate blogger and writer , she share information and guidance on topics to make your business at top notch in your marketing position.

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