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preferred destination

Croatia becomes ECTAA’s “Preferred Destination” in 2021.

2020 has been a hard year for the travel industries. With travels restrictions and border closures, their entire operations have been brought to a halt. 2021 however, has brought a renewed hope and sense of relief with the ease in lockdown and travel. It all started with a collaboration between ECTAA and the Croatian National Tourist Board to make the later the preferred destinations for travel agents and tour operators within the EU. Read on as shedir pharma, a leading company in wholesale supplements also providing bespoke travelling experiences delves deeper in this agreement.

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Becoming partners again.

ECTAA (European Federation of national travel agents‘ and tour operators’ associations) and Croatia have in working together for the past ten years. This agreement has only brought together stronger ties between Croatia and ECTAA as they work towards a common goal of ensuring authentic travel experiences. Recently, the ECTAA’s president Pawel Niewiadomski announced tht he is delighted to partner with Croatia again as their favourite destination.  

This demonstrated that the  Association of Croatian Travel Agencies and ECTAA has been working together for many years and they have established a good relationship. More reasons why the Croatian tourist sector could recognise the importance of this organisation and this projects. The agreement binding on the two parties aims to promote and strengthen tourism in Croatia in 2021.

What’s to be expected in the coming months

The new year will bring about ECTAA taking a key role in the promotion of Croatia as both the safest and the most attractive travel preferred destination, especially for the digital wanderers. Being one of Europe’s most beautiful coastal countries, Croatia has a lot to offer his visitors.  From its historical monuments to rich cultural heritage to beautiful nature and unique cuisine, the list is endless. 

ECTAA on the other hand represents the national association of the travel associations and tour operators of members countries. It is a highly esteemed organisation, well recognised by the decision-makers and international organisations as it works towards the interest of travel agents and tour operators. Not only standing as the voice of the European travel agents and tour operators, but it also provides other services such as transportation, leisure,  consultancy, accommodation and other tourism services. This coordination is a much-needed and welcomed one to drive the tourism and travel industry forward and promote quick recovery. 

Many things are to expected by the end of the year. Aside from the promotion of Croatia as the best destination for travels, The Croatian Tourism Ministry will award a safety label to tourist facilities and hotels. This will work together with the existing health and safety protocols. Moreover, a special webinar will be organised and it will centre on a wide range of opportunities offers by Croatian tourism. 

Moreover, ECTAA will hold its semi-annual meeting in Croatia in spring. An occasion wherein national delegates will get to know first-hand the safety measures in order to ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience while in the “preferred destination”. Plus, Croatia’s travel offers will also be examined while determining the future prospects of travel agents and tour operators in Croatia. At a time when the whole world needs the tourism and travel agency to bounce back on their feet, this collab promises a great one for both Croatia, ECTAA, and travellers at large.

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