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pigmentation cream
By JOE MAILLET 4,439 views

How to Reduce Pigmentation With the Best Treatment for all Skin Types

Pigmentation is a concern that’s not limited to a skin type. However, popular opinion gravitates towards pigmentation in oily skin types. This conclusion is because the pigmentation is the direct result of melanin overproduction, but that’s not all. One of the most sought-after skincare products in the market is pigmentation cream and because of a lack of knowledge as to how pigmentation occurs, many fail to get the desired results after spending so much. Eventually, they conclude that it does not work and move to the next.

What Causes Pigmentation?

Melanin is a function in our system that gives color to the skin and is responsible for tipping off the oil glands to produce more oil whenever there is a threat like UV radiation or cuts and wounds.

This action by the melanocytes is purely automatic and intended to protect the skin from harm. You see, one other function of oil glands besides moisturization is to block UV penetration from reaching deep within the skin’s epidermal layers to prevent any real damage.

With regard to pigmentation, there are two case scenarios of how it occurs: one being unprotected UV exposure and the other is acne. Acne inflammations cause the skin a lot of distress, and when the acne heals, it leaves behind a pigmented blemish that takes a long time to fade. 

If you’re talking UV damage, it occurs when the skin is exposed to sunlight without sunblock containing active UVA UVB filters. Here, two things happen simultaneously: melanocytes are alerted, which starts producing more melanin and subsequently excess oil- all of which is pushed to the surface like palace guards holding off a fort. 

And the more the combination of melanin and oil is in contact with the sun’s rays, the more the skin turns a shade of dark, and the worst part is that you don’t get a nice even tan, no. Instead, you get these dark and uneven blotches on the face because this strenuous activity was more concentrated on those areas.

What Is The Best Treatment For Pigmentation?

You can help your skin buffer the aforementioned attacks with these few simple steps:

  1. Sunscreen

Now nothing is better than natural sunlight when it comes to attaining the purest form of vitamin D essential for our skin and bones. But our battle with this bright but temperamental star is after 9 am in the morning, where radioactive rays are the strongest. And the only way to get around it to wear sunscreen, never skip on sunscreen, and did we mention wear sunscreen? The other option is to rise early and catch the good waves before the rage sets in. 

  1. Vitamin C Moisturizer

Not everyone has the time to sit through a 4 to 5 step skincare routine or wait 30 minutes after applying sunscreen. A Vitamin C moisturizer has potent antioxidants that provide the same protection as sunscreen. It will not only help block out the harmful UVA & UVB rays but also brighten your skin. Plus, you can skip out on the sunscreen if you want. Tip: Make sure to reapply the moisturizer or sunscreen after every 2 hours.

  1. Pigmentation Cream

These help dramatically reduce skin discoloration with their powerful antioxidant and anti-aging benefits. It exhibits both anti-pigmentation and anti-tanning after UV exposure, resulting in an even brighter skin tone. However, it is not be confused with a fairness treatment nor an alternative for sunblock, so you need to apply sunscreen post-application of pigmentation cream. This two-step layering will also help maintain the results obtained over time.

Mamaearth Bye Bye Blemishes Face Cream

Mamaearth Bye Bye Blemishes Face Cream for Reducing Pigmentation and Blemishes is a lightweight formulation that is high in antioxidants like Mulberry Extract & Vitamin C that is great for treating uneven skin tone and gives your face a non-greasy glow. It also contains Niacinamide, which inhibits melanin production and reduces spots and acne marks on the skin.

It is dermatologically tested and can be used on oily, normal, dry, combination, and sensitive skin. The product has no harsh chemicals and is free of SLS, Parabens, and Mineral Oils, and can be applied on the face and the neck region generously, twice a day. Also, you need to follow up with sunscreen when applying during the day.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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