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By JOE MAILLET 1,624 views

5 Tips Every Designer Should Know for Modern Styling

Times are changing rapidly, and this means that design should follow in the same footsteps. You will notice that today, trends are ruling every industry more than ever, and in just one or two years, something that was hip and modern is already obsolete. But in the sea of designs, how is it even possible to still create something new and stay true to ourselves at the same time?

You should know that you don’t have to create something out of anything. Wherever we look, we can find inspiration. For instance, the past is one of the best places to look. It is true that designs go out of fashion at the speed of light, but they can also make a grand comeback if a certain time passes and the past century had some great moments. The world is also full of the works of other designers that can inspire you. All you need to do is always keep in mind the following tips, and you’ll be fine.

Staying focused

Since the design is a creative profession, the lines where work ends and free time begins can become blurred. This is why designers need to learn how to stay focused on the task at hand properly. Steer clear of starting way too many projects and moving on to the next one without finishing the previous ones. Instead, try to focus on one project, and the payoff will be worth it once it’s done. Everyone has different routines to get in the right mindset to focus, but if you find that you struggle to do so, try out tips from other designers and see what works for you.

Identifying good design

In order not to trail off while working on a project, you have to know how to identify good design. Design is one of those industries where one never stops learning, so it won’t hurt to constantly widen your knowledge. Recognizing what good design is might sound subjective, but if you follow certain steps and consider “design” and “looks” as two separate notions, you will get the hang of it. Whether something is effective in doing its job, hitting the right tone in both what it represents and for whom it was made, ages well with time, AND whether it looks appealing all play a part in determining whether something is “good design.”

Identifying good design

Browsing the works of others constantly

Browsing the works of others means more than just looking up pictures of designs and calling it a day. It is an important step in finding inspiration and preventing your designs from always looking the same. When looking up the designs of other designers, try to think actively about them. Try to deconstruct the designs and understand every step, as well as what the original designer’s intention was with them. For instance, you can look up bags online in Australia and evaluate their look and functionality. You can also lookup designs from the past, as mentioned in the beginning, and give vintage styles a whole new look.

Creating a design process

In order to work efficiently, you need some kind of system. While this can often be a problem in creative industries, it is very much recommended that you come up with a design process that will consist of steps you follow every time and on every project. All you have to do is be more self-aware and determine what your preferred process is. Document this process while you are working on a project, and you can also fine-tune it later. Humans are creatures of habit, so having somewhat of a system will help your work a lot.

Creating a design process

Work ethic is important

Just like in all other niches, having a great work ethic is essential in design too. You always have to remain professional, even when things aren’t turning out the way you wanted. Keep yourself to deadlines every time and always deliver on your promises to keep the trust of your clients. If you have developed the previously mentioned design process, monitoring your progress, and organizing your time will be easier. If you need to work in teams, always look at the common goal, not just your individual one. All in all, always work hard and deliver high-quality work, and you’ll preserve your reputation.

Design is not an easy niche, and there is more to it than meets the eye. You need to manage yourself and your creativity well in order to thrive. Hopefully, these tips will help you with that.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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