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Tag: Motivation


Life is a consequence of events in which you will have to work towards a goal that fills you with dopamine when achieved. This differs from person to person according to their interests, lifestyle, an...


Humans are social animals, and we tend to compare our life with others. We are living in a digital world and have many devices, tons of tools to connect with the world. We usually read lots of content...

Leadership Skills

A successful leader is not the one who leads you; he is the one who walks with you. In the corporate world, not everyone possesses leadership quality, but those who possess make all the difference in ...


Every individual crave for success! According to Myriam Borg Reviews, success is all about achieving goals, whether it is personal or professional. Obviously, if you haven’t decided a goal then how ...

new business

We live in the world where everybody is in a race to compete with one another in jobs, businesses, sports and all. If we talk about an office going an employee who spends around 8 to 10 hours for earn...