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B.Ed Degree
By EVELYNBROWN88 2,196 views

Importance of B.Ed Degree for Aspiring Teachers

Indian society values certain professions in higher regard. Teaching is one such revered profession. Not to say that other careers are not as desirable but teaching is the way to spread knowledge, educate children and contribute to their mental growth. To become a teacher in India, one must have a Bachelor of Education or B.Ed. degree.

Offered at one of many university in Raipur like the Kalinga University and India, the B.Ed degree is a popular choice for soon-to-be teachers. Why must this degree be chosen by aspiring teachers and what benefits does it bring? Let us find out.

What is the B.Ed degree?

The B.Ed, short for Bachelor of Education, is a two-year-long professional course to teach individuals how to work as teachers. It is an intensive course that involves several theories and practical classes as well. The prospective teacher also learns different teaching techniques and methods. Graduates from any field of education are eligible to apply to this course. Both merit-based and entrance test-based admissions take place for the B.Ed degree. However, for both, there is a minimum qualifying score that the applicant must attain.

Studied in both full-time and part-time modes, the B.Ed degree is available in a range of specializations. For instance, some popular concentrations are B.Ed in Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Special Education, Commerce, etc. Candidates who are pressed for time can even opt for an online Bachelor of Education degree done at a relaxed pace and from the comfort of home.

How does the B.Ed degree help teachers?

Technical requirements: The first and foremost reason why an aspiring teacher should pursue B.Ed is the technical requirement. B.ed Colleges in Raipur as well as in other states require all candidates to have a Bachelor of Education degree at the minimum. This requirement is mandatory in both private and public institutions. Along with having a full-time bachelor’s or master’s degree in the individual’s area of specialization, a B.Ed degree is also needed. This degree could be the make or break between candidates during the interview round. Along with the degree, one must also be able to show expertise in their area of knowledge through previous work experience.

How to interact with students: Teachers help shape the future leaders of society. Along with education in a particular subject, these students are also learning life lessons and shaping their personalities. At this vulnerable stage, they need a strong teacher who is able to interact with them in the correct way while still getting their point across. B.Ed degrees, in particular, have special courses, where one learns how to talk and communicate with students. Individuals gain the necessary confidence to start taking and leading classes. The normal course of the B.Ed. The degree also involves practice classes where individuals will practice and train on how to interact with students.

Teaching styles: There are different techniques to learn or study class lessons, and so are their teaching methods. Depending on the class, student age, and also the material being covered, the teaching style will change. For instance, children with special needs require extra care from their teachers than regular children. The right teaching style will make a boring lesson interesting and also help students absorb it more quickly. The right B.Ed degree from a proper university will provide not just theoretical lessons on teaching techniques but also provide in-depth training for the same.

Management: Teachers manage all aspects of a classroom. From planning lessons, deciding on homework and assignments, organizing different events throughout the year, and more. For all of these responsibilities and more, individuals need to have leadership and management skills. It is hard to handle both regular classroom tasks and keep the students engaged and happy. Much of the work is done with limited management from seniors. One has to be able to think on their foot, take initiative and most importantly lead the entire classroom. All of these skills are taught to B.Ed students when enrolled in the course.

Job Security: Teachers, especially when working in a public or Government school enjoy a greater sense of security. There will always be a demand for well-trained, educated, and enthusiastic teachers. Teachers were able to keep their jobs amid the global covid pandemic as well. From working offline face to face, the teachers adapted to teaching online and provided the same experience. Besides working in a school, many also provide coaching or tutoring lessons on the side as a side gig. This can also transform into a full-time endeavor if they so wish. The demand for teachers increases exponentially when they have a B.Ed degree on their resumes.

Pay: Individuals who work in the education sector, in particular, who work in the Government sector are able to receive attractive pay packages. The starting monthly salary is already quite high compared to other jobs. Thereafter, every year, based on performance, there are also increments in the pay. Other perks like paid leaves and medical insurance for the individual and the family members are given to all teachers. Private-sector teaching jobs are just as well-paid. With experience, with promotions, more responsibilities are given along with increments in pay as well.

Higher education: Both public and private universities in Chhattisgarh and India offer undergraduate and postgraduate education courses. There are even doctorate degrees for individuals with the required work experience and a master’s degree. Higher education is perfect for people who wish to become eligible to work as professors at colleges. Admissions to the master’s and even the doctorate degrees will require an admission test and personal interviews. The B.Ed degree is a minimum requirement for many postgraduate degrees as well as for certain job professor job positions at certain public higher education institutes.

Getting B.ed Degree from a reputed university such as Kalinga University is a moment of pride for every aspiring B.ed student. It is the best B.ed university in Raipur that is known for its top-notch faculty and after-course placement in reputed schools.

The Bachelor of Education is a mandatory degree in order to teach at public and some private B.Ed. colleges in Raipur and the rest of India witnessed thousands of aspiring teachers enrolling in them for a chance to work in the dream job of teaching students. Competition is tough and it is important to stand out from all other applicants in order to secure the job offer. How does one do that? Getting a B.Ed degree and learning the essential practical skills to succeed as a teacher. There are many more benefits to the degree as already discussed above. Hopefully, this article has been helpful in guiding would-be teachers.


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